Reporting for treatment | WORLD
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Reporting for treatment


WORLD Radio - Reporting for treatment

Mary Reichard reflects on hospital inconveniences that make treatment possible

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MYRNA BROWN, HOST: Before continuing with today’s program, many of you have been asking about Mary Reichard’s condition since her message for you on Tuesday. She’s currently in the hospital awaiting the next step and she took a moment and recorded this update for us.

MARY REICHARD: A couple of things I've learned so far is that you have to tell your story over and over and over and over and over and over again to different fields in the hospital, whether it's social work, the doctor, the attending the interns, the residents, the medical students, the psych majors that all come through and want to pick your brain. So it's kind of interesting if you come at it with a curious mind, but you do have to tell your story a lot.

The other thing is there's nothing as humbling as trying to put on your own hospital gown. My goodness on my first try, I think my head was in the arm hole. Finally got that worked out. And then trying to take a shower with five cardiac leads, an IV line and oximeter attached to your arms. I would like to not ever have to do that again. So I'd be grateful if you didn't have to do that today.

I'm just listening to chill music and prayer apps and reading uplifting things. Some of you have sent me wonderful prayers. Thank you for that. Also on my room board, my nurse Rachel wrote the dreaded N P O which is Latin for nil per os and it means nothing by mouth.

So I am making friends with my hunger pains and I need to lose 15 pounds anyway. God is good. He's going to get your attention one way or the other. And thank God for that.

Over and out.

WORLD Radio transcripts are created on a rush deadline. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Accuracy and availability may vary. The authoritative record of WORLD Radio programming is the audio record.


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