Heather Frank | WORLD
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Heather Frank

Heather Frank

Heather is a science correspondent for WORLD. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute, the University of Maryland, and Carnegie Mellon University. She has worked in both food and chemical product development, and currently works as a research chemist. Heather resides with her family in Pittsburgh, Pa.

Articles by Heather Frank
3D-printed cuisine

3D-printed cuisine

Scientists have developed the technology to 3D print and cook food

Animal organs could shorten transplant waiting lists, but the research prompts ethics debates about the distinction between animals and humans.

Despite the widespread scientific use of fetal cell lines linked to abortions, pro-lifers hope for alternatives

Creative companies have found new uses for spent beer-making grains


Pro-life bioethicists warn that new rules on embryo research represent a further devaluation of human life

Why scientists aren’t yet dismissing the lab-origin theory of the COVID-19 virus

Some researchers propose 15-minute screening tests to help beat COVID-19