Here’s a list of potential nominees to replace Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer
Daniel R. Suhr | A new court majority could view race-based classifications differently
Justice Stephen Breyer used quick wit and entertaining scenarios to test the limits of the law
Who will President Biden pick to replace retiring Justice Stephen Breyer?
Erin Hawley | U.S. abortion laws, thanks to Roe, are among the most liberal in the world
Allie Beth Stuckey | Biden’s Supreme Court choice could represent an abandonment of true justice for partiality
Florida wants the family of an accident victim to share part of a personal injury lawsuit settlement
Erin Hawley | Justice Breyer’s judicial philosophy adversely affects the way we are governed
The high court confirmation hearing creates an opportunity for a substantive worldview discussion
R. Albert Mohler Jr. | The retiring justice may be one of the last liberals to serve on the Supreme Court