Supreme Court | WORLD
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Pro-life group asks Supreme Court to restore speech rights

Advocates are appealing their right to counsel women outside abortion centers

A Texas law to protect children from porn sites raises free speech questions

Hunter Baker | It’s a false charge and hotly political

The justices rule on a community’s ability to address homeless encampments and local resistance to the federal regulations on reducing pollution


The Supreme Court sends the Florida and Texas lawsuits on social media content censorship back to the lower courts and allows a business to pursue its case against agency regulations

Daniel R. Suhr | The Supreme Court’s immunity ruling restores constitutional principles for official acts

The Supreme Court clarifies presidential immunity, sending President Trump back to trial court, and the challenge to Idaho’s abortion law is sent back to U.S. District Court

Court kicks Big Tech challenges to Texas and Florida laws back to lower courts

Former President Donald Trump’s case remains unresolved