Pro-Life | WORLD
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The party is squeezing out its few abortion foes

Evan Wilt | The March for Life celebrates a landmark year and renewed purpose

Hundreds of thousands of babies created through in vitro fertilization are waiting for a chance to live


Abortion giant’s annual numbers show jump in donation revenue

Jamie Dean | The new year may provide turning points for pro-life and other issues

Jamie Dean | Chances for life seem slim for thousands of tiny embryos frozen in storage or subjected to questionable tests meant to weed out ‘misfits.’ But some advocates and families are on a mission to rescue these unborn babies from an uncertain fate

Sophia Lee | Special Buddhist temples memorialize the unborn dead in Japan, but they don’t solve the problem of post-abortion trauma

Juliana Chan Erikson | Women who have multiple abortions present challenges to pro-life efforts

A young pro-lifer finds her voice outside Mississippi’s only abortion center