Marriage | WORLD
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The Respect for Marriage Act is a disaster for religious liberty

David Closson | Republican senators must reject this radical bill

Barton J. Gingerich | It is based on a lie and weakens all of society

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | The nation’s moral collapse is becoming increasingly bipartisan

Carl R. Trueman | Three selfish assumptions dismiss any thought of obligation toward another living human being


Sometimes it’s the small things that are vital for surviving a sweltering summer

Carl R. Trueman | Why same-sex marriage likely will not fall in a post-Roe world

The power of a worthy example to propel

Andrew T. Walker | We’ve moved from “Gay marriage harms no one” to “Here, kid, take these puberty blockers”

Craig A. Carter | By making friends with the world, the church becomes an enemy of God

Daniel Huizinga | A focus on self-fulfillment instead of sacrificial commitment is toxic to marriage