Ministries | WORLD
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Go and do likewise

Go and do likewise

Marvin Olasky | These Hope Award winners are worthy of votes, financial support, and even imitation

Sarah Schweinsberg | Christian school brings the gospel—and respect for Lakota culture—to Cheyenne River Indian Reservation

Jamie Dean | A South Carolina prison ministry finds success following inmates from the cellblock to the workbench

Emily Belz | Starting with four men mentoring four teenagers, Jericho Partnership now energizes a slew of local ministries


Sophia Lee | Colorado group helps Burmese refugees who often arrive with nothing and ‘just need a little help, and they fly on their own’

June Cheng | A Christian drug rehab center in Vietnam is helping addicts get clean—and the government is noticing

Pastor finds Christ’s power in his weakness

Sophia Lee | A once-militant Palestinian now fights disillusionment among his people, one kindergartner at a time

Networking churches for disaster relief

Learning about drug recovery on Staten Island and drug dealing among Baltimore police