Education | WORLD
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Parents battle gender secrecy in California schools

Parents battle gender secrecy in California schools

State sues district to block parental notification policy

Why does our data matter? How do we explain it to our kids? Today we’re tackling a listener question on data privacy.

Joseph Griffith | A diverse coalition of parents fights against LGBT indoctrination of their children


Older generations knew education, not indoctrination, made public schools great

We’re joined by Constitutional Law professor Dr. Jesse Merriam to talk about the Supreme Court of the United States. The headlines call this a “partisan court.” President Joe Biden says it’s “not a normal court.” What do they mean by that? Why does the Supreme Court exist?

A school on Long Island resists the New York Board of Governors’ directive to remove Native American imagery and nicknames

What is microdosing? And what does it have to do with industry leaders of Silicon Valley? We’re using the SOAR method to break down a Wall Street Journal article on psychedelics in the world of tech.

Students at a Christian school in Mississippi find tuition support from a long-serving board member

Maryland parents want to opt their children out of new pro-LGBTQ school books