Education | WORLD
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Quiet time

Lynn Vincent | Fear of litigation muzzles expressions of faith

Lynn Vincent | Does freedom of speech end at the classroom door?

Lynn Vincent | Annual teacher gatherings focus on everything except students

Gene Edward Veith | As students return to campuses across the country, professors debate Baylor University's ambitious plans to be 'the Protestant Notre Dame,' and the ambitious president driving charge


Jennifer Marshall | The National PTA may soon have to decide whether it will be a parents' group or just another liberal lobby

Bob Jones | "Father of vouchers" Milton Friedman tells WORLD the high court has freed legislatures to make school-choice decisions-by ending the "endless litigation"

Homeschool student wins geography bee

Tim Graham |

Tim Graham | TeamBush announces rule changes to offer a new choice in public schools

Scholastic book club targets Christian-school market with extrabiblical, anti-biblical Conversations with God