Education | WORLD
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The year the education system didn’t get dismantled

Despite widespread fear of the Trump administration wrecking crew, much about U.S. schools remained unchanged in 2017

Final version of the tax overhaul package kept student loan interest deduction and nixed tax on graduate tuition waivers

Chess celebrity Phiona Mutesi credits God for her success at the game. Now she’s trusting him to get through school

Legislation to reauthorize the Higher Education Act could bring big changes for borrowers


Advocates for a new constitutional amendment say the push for parental rights could unite the country

University presidents urge lawmakers to reconsider imposing new taxes on endowments, graduate students

Staff members’ training and quick thinking credited with saving lives in California attack

Is Betsy DeVos trying to starve public education or save it from gluttony?

Republicans want to expand 529 accounts to cover K-12 education