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Life of danger

Man on Wire captures a heartbreaking obsession

Everyone and everything suffers in Mamma Mia!

Jamie Dean | Obama may be the press favorite for November, but voters are still trying to decide

Mark Bergin | The summer Olympics, set to open Aug. 8, are filled with inspirational athletes and great stories.


Mindy Belz | In Richmond the battles over race would continue long after MLK's assassination

Russ Pulliam | After flame-throwing campus debates, God spoke in a low whisper

Lynn Vincent | How a middle-aged pastor and some ex-hippies spoke life to a generation declaring God Is Dead

Arsenio Orteza | Tammy Wynette found her footing at the height of rock 'n roll

Arsenio Orteza | The Zombies have it

Marvin Olasky | In 1968 I headed down a path that began with low-rent existentialism and took me all the way to Communism