LIFESTYLE | Guitarist and singer Tony Melendez doesn’t need arms to inspire crowds
TRENDING | Christian colleges embrace video gaming as a competitive sport, yet critics worry about aggressive behavior
BOOKS | Book takes the “old right” to task for the state of society
BOOKS | The mercy of the Fourth Commandment
BOOKS | More heirloom than rigorous history, a new book honors pro-life leaders in the wake of Dobbs
CHILDREN’S BOOKS | Reviews of four books for young readers
DOCUMENTARY | Grace Community Church’s two-hour film argues pandemic church shutdowns reflect a historical pattern of religious persecution
MOVIE | A reboot of the half-shell heroes boasts kinetic animation and a lively cast while playing gross-out humor for laughs
MOVIE | A meditative true story about a musician hopeful for fame drags at times, but carries off an uplifting finish
MOVIES | Top films for the weekend of Aug. 4-6