Thomas Jefferson: A Biography of Spirit and Flesh shows Jefferson as a human being
Scottish English can provide some quirky lingo
BACKSTORY | On dad jokes, Christian courage, and the business of being funny
Seth Dillon | The left’s all-out war on satire is really a fight over truth—and every citizen’s right to speak it
Timothy Lamer | This year’s selections highlight a complex Founding Father, personal and political freedom, a defense of Christianity, a backlash to the sexual revolution, and more
BOOKS | Social media and a cognitively degraded society
SPORTS | Major marathons add “nonbinary” to list of categories in which runners may compete
Collin Garbarino | BOOK OF THE YEAR | Shedding light on an inspiring Founder of high principles who failed miserably at living up to them
BOOKS | Bill Barr offers a thoughtful memoir
Twitter gives the beloved satire website its wings back