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Under the controver-sea

Disney’s remake of The Little Mermaid has its flaws, but it’s not woke. Plus, previews of upcoming summer films

Live-action remake is a slick retelling —with some choppy waters

A costume handler at Sight and Sound Theater helps actors through ups and downs backstage


New documentary says Yogi Berra’s baseball legacy deserves to be remembered

Commentator George Grant says some words and their opposites can be "discombobulating"

TRENDING | As doctored images of women circulate on the internet, laws against deepfakes haven’t kept up

Cal Thomas | ESSAY | After 50 years in the news business, a look at the state of journalism today—and what really matters

BACKSTORY | On the Moral Majority, Christians in media, and Julie Andrews

HISTORY | The head seamstress at an 18th-century millinery shop makes history that visitors can reach out and touch