The top 5 movies in popularity as measured by box office receipts for weekend of July 30
The top 5 videos in popularity as measured by rental receipts for the week ended May 7
The Top 5 'Heatseekers' albums for the week ending May13, according to Billboard magazine
Christmas music unites diverse musical styles
Two manuals for young girls: One markets feminism, lesbianism, and abortion to 10-year-olds; the other tells the story of a daughter who stood by her embattled father
Divorce drama, like the real thing, turns out to be messy and unpleasant
A professional wrestler takes off his mask
A lesson from 1900 for the scientists of 2000
A young, homeschooled intellectual worries about the current culture of irony
Chimp expert Jane Goodall's spiritual autobiography shows the limits of science alone