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Best-selling books

The top five best-selling hardback novels as of Sept. 20

Rated PG, Sky Captain is a mix of Indiana Jones, The Lost World, and Buck Rogers that's almost completely family-friendly

The top five best-selling CDs according to Billboard magazine, Sept. 11

In the midst of an altercation with fans, Rangers reliever Frank Francisco threw a chair into the stands


This TV-14 rated sit-com is for adults only, though it is hard to imagine even adults liking it

Although the cartoon doesn't break any new ground, many will find it more enjoyable than Disney's bigger-budget releases

This film provides some enjoyably tense entertainment-at least for those with a high capacity for suspended disbelief

A PBS miniseries on the differing worldviews of Sigmund Freud and C.S.

The top five best-selling nonfiction hardbacks as measured by their rankings on the lists of Barnes & Noble, USA Today, The New York Times, and American Booksellers Association as of Sept. 6

There is a good movie in the concept, but this film isn't it