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Kid's Novels

Five children's novels that Hollywood will soon turn into movies

The five bestselling nonfiction hardbacks as measured by placement on four leading lists as of July 22

TNIV marketer threatens Charisma magazine over anti-TNIV ad; publisher refuses to back down-losing Zondervan advertising revenue but maintaining credibility

Students, writers, and crossword-puzzle aficionados often need obscure information.


Marvin Olasky | With boomers graying and starting to ponder the end of their lives, here's an opportunity for publishers to get ahead of the curve and produce meaningful, challenging books.

Gene Edward Veith | Sales of Christian books are so strong, secular sellers are looking to grab a slice of the lucrative market.

Gene Edward Veith | The rise of historical fiction and narrative history-which often takes God into account through richly detailed stories of the era-marks a positive cultural trend

Sam Torode | "Pronoun envy" or just another weapon to fight the battle against the "subjugation of women"?

Chris Stamper | From intelligent design to pop culture, from Christian apologetics to politics, 12 contemporary authors do what they do best: pontificate, Q & A style

The Top 5 nonfiction paperbacks as measured by placement on three leading lists as of June 10