Across the United States and around the world last night, Harry Potter fans lined up to party and to purchase at midnight the seventh and last of the series
Matthew P. Ristuccia | Forty years ago Beatlemania peaked
Four paperbacks good for airplanes and beaches reviewed by Susan Olasky
Nancy M. Tischler | From Mitford to Port William, two elegant writers show different sides of Scripture-grace and the valley of the shadow of death
Marvin Olasky | Novelist Flannery O'Connor "speaks" on the work of fiction and aspiring fiction writers
Marvin Olasky | Notable anti-religion and anti-Christian books of the past year-particularly Christopher Hitchens' God Is Not Great-make something out of, well, nothing
Lynn Vincent | It isn't as easy in today's cultural climate, but parents can have a huge influence on their children's attitudes
Warren Cole Smith | Legacy of Honor highlights the role of Scouting in America's secret to greatness
Four excellent Christian children's books reviewed by Susan Olasky