A House committee questions Lehman Brothers' CEO on his role in the investment bank's failure
David L. Bahnsen | Some simple lifestyle changes can help keep bankruptcy at bay
Political winds and public opinion changed enough since Monday to push the legislation through the House
House leaders worked hard Thursday to get enough "yes" votes to pass the $700 billion financial industry bailout bill-with added pork-Friday
In a 74-25 vote Wednesday night, the Senate approved the $700 billion economic rescue package, sending it on for a vote in the House of Representatives
Barack Obama and John McCain help define what's next for the financial bailout plan, including raising the limit on federally insured deposits to $250,000
The Bush administration presses the Senate on the urgency for its $700 billion financial bailout plan
David L. Bahnsen | The market already is calibrating itself to a new presidency
Did a public-funding deal for construction of the new Yankee Stadium violate federal tax regulations?
Conservative leaders look to not-so-free market solutions to the financial crisis