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Moneybeat: The latest jobs report and the TXSE

Positive trends in the job market and the Texas Stock Exchange will add healthy competition

Record-setting market performance and strong personal consumption data show a recession is unlikely

Timothy Lamer | Profiting from the weakness and misfortune of others is no way to treat a neighbor

The government claims the company has a monopoly on live events. Plus, defining terms: corporate engagement or shareholder activism


David L. Bahnsen | If we don’t understand first principles in economics, we can do a lot of harm

President Biden’s tariffs on electric vehicles, batteries, and solar panels conflict with his environmental push and economic policy. Plus, defining terms: industrial policy

Judge blocks new federal rule capping credit card late fees. Plus, defining terms: quantitative easing and tightening

The Justice Department tries to rein in Apple, Amazon, and Google through the courts

David L. Bahnsen | A higher federal funds rate hasn’t had the market effects that some expected

When stocks are overvalued, the market is vulnerable to sell-offs