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When critical theory and perverse sexuality collide

When critical theory and perverse sexuality collide

Carl R. Trueman | Predictably, pedophilia emerges from the swamp of ideologies

Jordan J. Ballor | Gender ideology will destroy youth sports and college athletics

Some parents and doctors push back against pressure

TRENDING | New films highlight the dangers of the transgender trend


Christiana Kiefer | Anti–social media and the ‘trans-ing’ of America’s girls

A physician assistant says her employer told her to leave her Bible and beliefs at home

Calvin Robinson | A notorious transgender teacher in Canada needs help, not affirmation—and certainly not access to children

Allie Beth Stuckey | Vanderbilt’s transgender push shows the danger of gender ideology

Carl R. Trueman | Brittany Aldean’s take on transgenderism was inept, but she spoke more truthfully than her opponents

U.S. BRIEFS | New Hampshire will allow electric vehicles to power the grid