Whatever happened to safeguarding children? | WORLD
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Whatever happened to safeguarding children?

A notorious transgender teacher in Canada needs help, not affirmation—and certainly not access to children

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The hard-left, or the “woke,” would have us all believe we own our truths, that reality is subjective, and we can define our own existence entirely independently from the world around us. Of course, that is untrue, and we all know it. The truth is inherent, we feel it even when we can’t articulate it, because there is a universal Truth.

However, progressives have persuaded us, like the serpent to Eve, that we can be our own gods, we can create our own realities and worse still, force everyone else to live in them. But can we really, or are these really just fantasies? After all, we know that a man is an adult human male, and a woman is an adult human female, even if we don’t express it in those terms. Babies and toddlers can tell the difference between a man and a woman, even if they don’t have the language to define them.

So why are we allowing people to compel us to lie about such basic truths? To pretend a man is a women, or a woman is a man? George Orwell predicted this, like many other things, when he wrote, “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”

Upon glancing at the footage of a now infamous teacher from Ontario (whose likeness I will not link to due to the salacious nature of his appearance), basic moral instinct tells us that something is wrong. Photographs of the trans woman school teacher has gone viral. The wig, the creepy expression in the eyes, the oversized anatomy, the tight lycra shorts, and the fact that this person is working with children. Our natural gut instinct tells us something is wrong. So why are we being told to ignore that feeling, to suppress it in the name of “progress”?

What is our first priority? The trans agenda, or protecting young children? Should adults not be standing up and calling out this inappropriate behaviour? And that’s before addressing the problem of health & safety with all of these prosthetics while operating machinery, teaching woodwork without personal protective equipment, etc.

Do we really want children to be taught this misogynistic impression of a woman? This fellow is exploiting political correctness laws to present himself as a caricature of a woman. How is this not gender appropriation? If he presented as an ethnic minority we’d call it black-face and frown upon his cultural appropriation, so why is a grown man allowed—no, enabled—to present as a woman without any criticism? Canadian law prevents such criticism. The Ontario Human Rights Code protects this individual more than it protects children, for goodness sake.

Do we really want children to be taught this misogynistic impression of a woman?

I’m not attempting to target this individual personally, but we must all target the ideology he represents. He’s demonstrating that it is acceptable behaviour to sexualise oneself before children, to force them to take part in what amounts to sexual kink—because that’s what is clearly going on here. This isn’t a man living as a woman, this is a man role-playing an overly sexualised avatar of a woman, while exposing himself to children. It’s grooming—classic grooming. What effect this will have on the development of the children in his class, only time will tell.

Whatever happened to safeguarding children? Child protection? Where are the adults? The headmaster, governors, parents? Why is no one putting a stop to this, or at the very least removing their children from this damaging environment?

The Government is complicit, the school is probably scared of getting sued under the ridiculous laws, and the parents are frankly negligent.

We have been told it is kind to encourage people to indulge in these fantasies. But it is not compassionate to affirm the mentally unstable—that’s wrong. The charitable thing to do, would be to get this man the help he so clearly needs, and to put the children’s well-being above his perverted disillusions.

It is not possible to be in the wrong body, because you are your body. Instead of playing along, we should encourage people to love themselves for who they are, because that’s the way God made them. We don’t affirm other mental illnesses, why are people so keen to do so when it comes to gender dysphoria? We were made in the image of God, and mutilating that image is an affront to God.

I hope you can join me in praying for this bloke’s sanity, for the safety of those children, and in praying that we as a society find the strength to stop lying, and instead, to do our best to proclaim the Truth.

Calvin Robinson

The Rev. Calvin Robinson is a British broadcaster, political adviser, and commentator.

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