Olympics organizers apologize for opening ceremony performance | WORLD
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Olympics organizers apologize for opening ceremony performance

The 2024 Summer Olympic Games got underway over the weekend, with Canada winning a women's soccer match against France. Associated Press/Photo by Silvia Izquierdo

Olympics organizers apologize for opening ceremony performance

Paris 2024 spokeswoman Anne Descamps on Sunday said that the display was not intended to disrespect to any religious group, and that if anyone had taken offense, organizers were very sorry. Friday’s opening ceremony drew criticism after a scene featuring drag queens appeared to parody Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper painting. Artistic director Thomas Jolly, who planned the tableau, told French broadcaster BFMTV that the performance was intended to show a pagan feast with the Greek gods of Olympus. French singer and actor Philippe Katerine appeared in the ceremony in blue body paint and flowers, performing supposedly as the Greek god Dionysus.

How did faith leaders respond? The French Bishops’ Conference on Saturday called the performances “scenes of derision and mockery of Christianity” and Bishop Donald Hying of Wisconsin called on Catholics to fast and pray in response to the performance. Gavin Calver, CEO of the Evangelical Alliance, called the display insensitive and offensive. Bishop Robert Barron of Minnesota questioned whether the organizers would have considered mocking Islam in a similar way.

How have others responded? House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-LA, said the portrayal was insulting to Christians around the world but said truth and virtue would prevail. Elon Musk said the depiction was disrespectful and French politician Marion Marechal-Le Pen said the performance was produced by a left-wing minority and was not representative of France as a whole. 

Lauren Canterberry

Lauren Canterberry is a reporter for WORLD. She graduated from the World Journalism Institute and the University of Georgia with a degree in journalism, both in 2017. She worked as a local reporter in Texas and now lives in Georgia with her husband.

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