NYC mayor says he’ll stay in office after indictment | WORLD
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NYC mayor says he’ll stay in office after indictment

New York City Mayor Eric Adams Associated Press/Photo by Seth Wenig, file

NYC mayor says he’ll stay in office after indictment

The U.S. Department of Justice indicted New York City Mayor Eric Adams on Wednesday on charges of bribery, wire fraud, and soliciting foreign contributions to his campaign. Adams recorded a speech from that same personal residence Wednesday night in which he denied any wrongdoing and insisted he would stay in office, Axios reported, while sharing the video.

On Thursday morning, federal agents raided Adams’ residence in a search for an electronic device, Politico reported. Adams on Thursday held a press conference in which he again insisted he would stay in office. Supporters at the press conference also demanded that Adams receive his day in court before the city turned on him.

What are the charges against Adams? Prosecutors allege Adams solicited foreign contributions to his campaign, conspired to commit bribery and wire fraud, and then engaged in bribery and wire fraud activities. Starting in 2014, Adams accepted luxury vacations and improper valuable benefits from foreign officials, including a Turkish government official seeking to gain influence over him, the DOJ alleged. Starting in 2018, Adams began soliciting foreign gifts and support for his 2021 campaign to become mayor of New York City, the DOJ said. Federal investigators have circled Adams’ administration and former campaign staff since last year.

If Eric Adams does have to step down, who takes his place? New York City Public Advocate Jumaane Williams would replace Adams in the event he was either removed from office or chose to resign. Voters would then pick Adams’ permanent replacement in a special election, the Associated Press reported. New York Gov. Kathy Hochul can remove Adams from office, according to the AP.

Dig deeper: Read my report in The Sift about how a recent lawsuit has accused Adams of a 20-year-old sexual assault.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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