NFL great Gradishar lays out gospel at hall of fame | WORLD
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NFL great Gradishar lays out gospel at hall of fame

Former NFL linebacker Randy Gradishar Associated Press/Photo by David Dermer

NFL great Gradishar lays out gospel at hall of fame

Randy Gradishar on Saturday dedicated his Pro Football Hall of Fame induction to his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in a Saturday speech at the hall in Canton, Ohio. The former linebacker was there to be remembered as a member of the Denver Broncos’ “Orange Crush” defense in the 1970s. Gradishar referenced a recent sermon series his pastor preached on the book of Nehemiah about individuals who make a difference in the lives of others and the world around him. Gradishar characterized his wife and his parents as difference-makers in his life, but credited one person with giving him the best invitation he’d ever received.

What exactly was that invitation? Former NFL running back Archie Griffin, who attended Ohio State University alongside Gradishar, invited Gradishar to a campus Fellowship of Christian Athletes Bible study. Gradishar grew up in church but never heard the gospel of salvation preached to him, he said. At that FCA meeting, he heard that gospel for the first time. During his Hall of Fame speech decades later, Gradishar credited that Bible study with teaching him four truths.

  • Mankind is made in the image of God, God loves man, and God has a purpose for people’s lives, Gradishar said, citing Genesis 1:27.

  • Mankind’s problems all arise from the fact that they have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, Gradishar explained, citing Romans 3:23. As a result of that sin, people cannot know the purpose God has for their lives. Furthermore, the wages of sin is death, including spiritual death.

  • God made a way for people to reunite with him, Gradishar said. He cited John 3:16. Through his death and resurrection, Jesus Christ earned the right to say that He alone was the Way, the Truth, and the Life and that no one would come to the Father except through him, Gradishar said.

  • Salvation only comes through turning to God, repenting of one’s sins, accepting God’s forgiveness, and asking Jesus Christ to be one’s personal Lord and Savior, Gradishar said, calling it the only way to become right with God.

At the age of 22, Gradishar accepted Christ as his Savior. Fifty years later, at the Pro Ball of Fame on Saturday, Gradishar thanked Griffin for inviting him to that Bible study.

Dig deeper: Read Shane Morris’ column in WORLD Opinions about how married couples practicing the Christian faith experience more joy than their secular counterparts.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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