House Republicans find Biden committed impeachable offenses | WORLD
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House Republicans find Biden committed impeachable offenses

President Joe Biden Associated Press/Photo by Jose Luis Magana

House Republicans find Biden committed impeachable offenses

The Republican-led House Oversight and Accountability Committee on Monday alleged that U.S. President Joe Biden committed impeachable offenses while in office. The committee released a report detailing the findings of an impeachment inquiry that it opened last year. The evidence from the inquiry constitutes the strongest case ever produced for impeachment against a sitting president, the committee said Monday. 

The White House has persistently denied that President Biden engaged in any wrongdoing. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Monday afternoon did not address the allegations during a press gaggle aboard Air Force One while Biden was flying to Chicago for the Democratic National Convention.

What do Republicans say in the report? The impeachable offenses Biden allegedly committed while he was president included allowing the statute of limitations to expire on several major charges against his son Hunter Biden, the Republican-led committee said. The House does not need to prove that Biden ordered officials at the Justice Department to allow the statutes to expire, the Oversight Committee reported. Biden could be impeached for the actions of a subordinate, according to the report.

Other alleged offenses center around connections to his family members’ business dealings while he was vice president, according to the Republicans’ report. The committee alleges in its report that Biden participated in an influence-peddling scheme, with his family selling the illusion of influence to overseas businessmen. In the scheme, President Biden defrauded the United States and breached the public trust while his family made millions of dollars, the Republican-led committee claimed. It was inconceivable that Biden did not understand he was participating in such a scheme, the report claimed.

House Republicans accused the executive branch of obstructing their impeachment inquiry into President Biden. They said White House staff failed to provide documents and information to House members and ordered some witnesses not to testify before Congress. They also alleged that the Justice Department told some witnesses not to answer questions from members of Congress, and told others not to obey subpoenas issued by the Republican-controlled House committees.

Dig deeper: Read my report in The Sift about how the House of Representatives has demanded that President Biden come testify before the committee about his actions.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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