Roundups | WORLD
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Rock this town

Hollywood will never be the same after a year of upheaval

Gender ideology seeped into law, education, medicine, and the military in 2017

Five political stories that flipped this year’s narrative

This year’s top science stories include new discoveries that highlight the hand of God


The battle continued in 2017 for individuals and organizations to find ways to offer compassion effectively

Despite widespread fear of the Trump administration wrecking crew, much about U.S. schools remained unchanged in 2017

Christian families, business owners, and ministries did battle this year to retain their constitutional right to live out their faith in the public square

Top stories of 2017 also include political upheaval and deteriorating religious liberty protections

New federal policies favoring unborn babies helped offset court losses over state-level legislation

Plus, WORLD’s senior editor picks the top 10 Globe Trot stories of 2017