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The moral rot starts at the top

The moral rot starts at the top

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | Three elite university presidents refused to say that calls for genocide against Jews would violate rules for campus conduct

Emma Waters | The fight against gender ideology needs strong parents, leaders, and laws

John Schweiker Shelton | A House bill would stop the EPA’s misguided electric vehicle mandate

Hunter Baker | Elite universities are proving to be a breeding ground for anti-Semitism


Daniel Darling | The famous nonprofit faces charges of bias against Israel and Jewish suffering

Lael Weinberger | The “ministerial exception” is a necessary protection for religious liberty

Bethel McGrew | Christianity is not reducible to liberal values

Miles Smith | Progressives forget the slogan “never again” for the Uyghur genocide and the left’s anti-Semitism

Erin Hawley | Sandra Day O’Connor had a career of remarkable firsts, but her Casey ruling sold women (and unborn lives) short

Jerry Bowyer | The company confesses to actions that harm shareholders—but doesn’t repent