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What to expect in politics in 2024

What to expect in politics in 2024

Eric Teetsel | Venturing into a highly charged year of knowns and unknowns

Jerry Bowyer | Another year under the Lordship of Jesus Christ

Carl R. Trueman | Events from Iowa to Virginia suggest hard choices ahead for the rising generation of Christians

Brad Littlejohn | Christians should avoid simplistic rhetoric about crime


Ted Kluck | Letting the world know about your New Year’s resolutions (by social media platform and/or station in life)

Andrew T. Walker | The reaction to Claudine Gay’s resignation shows a big shift in attitudes toward wokeism

Bethel McGrew | Playboy-lite for “conservative dads” is not the way to fight the left

Lael Weinberger | Israel’s great debate over the judiciary and democracy

C.R. Wiley | It’s a seller’s market for intersectional academics

Jeff Bradford | The pro-life movement just lost an irreplaceable light