Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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“The people of Israel live!”

“The people of Israel live!”

Lael Weinberger | What is Hanukkah, and why should Christians care about it?

Craig A. Carter | Is anti-racist education making the next generation more racist?

Jerry Bowyer | Companies squandered moral and financial capital by pledging $99 billion dollars to BLM

Timon Cline | Standard pregnancy risks do not justify abortion


A.S. Ibrahim | The TikTok campaign to promote the Quran is fueled by ignorance

Eric Teetsel | What to watch in Congress as the year comes to a close

Nathan A. Finn | Vocation and the real value of a college education

Andrew T. Walker | Religious freedom is no blank check for the celebration of evil

Brad Littlejohn | Stewardship is the key to creation debates

Rachel Roth Aldhizer | A disabled child is not a threat to a mother’s life