Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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Moral seriousness and the post-Christian right

Moral seriousness and the post-Christian right

Denny Burk | Christians should not let political tribalism obscure what is clear in Scripture

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | And Ohio’s Republican governor gets their applause with a veto

Daniel Darling | Legal abortion rewards irresponsibility

Amos Luka | The Christmas attacks by Muslims are based in Islamic teachings


Nathan A. Finn | The right way for Christians to mark the new year

Daniel Darling | Our political theology must be rooted in the incarnation

Adam M. Carrington | The slaughter of the innocents continues

Jeremy Dys | Yet again, the importance of the First Amendment is made clear

Daniel R. Suhr | Look out for the politicization of the Christmas story

Robert J. Pacienza | Don’t miss the power of Christmas truth