Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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Normalizing LGBTQ pornography

Normalizing LGBTQ pornography

Ericka Andersen | Pornhub admits trying to push trans videos to straight men and teens

Timon Cline | A refusal to affirm transgender delusion could end parental rights

Jennifer Marshall Patterson | A 9th Circuit decision strengthens religious freedom on campus

Hans Fiene | We should not let politics obscure theological labels


Craig A. Carter | At the root of today’s political and cultural debates is a sharp disagreement about the nature of reality

A.S. Ibrahim | The Shiite group in Yemen does the bidding of Iran

Adam M. Carrington | A multiracial GOP could lead to less rancorous politics

Ted Kluck | The last national championship and the end of college football as we know it

Ray Hacke | Major university wisely withdraws women’s volleyball scholarship offered to a male

Christiana Kiefer | World Vision’s fight for religious freedom isn’t unique, but it is important