News Magazines for Christians | Vol. 39, No. 11 | WORLD
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June 1, 2024 | Vol. 39, No. 11

A fitting memorial

William Fleeson | On the 80th anniversary of D-Day, America will honor a small town that gave more than its share

Ambassadors in chains

Leah Savas | Pro-life activists face long prison sentences as the Biden administration cracks down on abortion center protests

Target audience

Grace Snell | A geofencing controversy highlights growing efforts to silence pro-life activism in the digital space


America’s tragic hero

TRENDING | A look back at Batman’s 85-year journey from Gotham’s shadows into the world’s spotlight


A house very divided

BOOKS | Telling the suspenseful story that led to the Civil War

Single in the pews

BOOKS | Learning from unmarried believers in the church

Pursued by the Spirit

BOOKS | A memoir of meeting God and grappling with politics

Children's Books

Growing through hardship

CHILDREN’S BOOKS | Four books about characters in difficult circumstances


Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

MOVIE | A thought-provoking installment of the iconic ape franchise features a false messiah and a quest for justice

The Keeper

MOVIE | In a heartfelt film with amateurish charm, a veteran hikes the Appalachian Trail to honor service members lost to suicide


MOVIE | An eye doctor who survives the Cultural Revolution and chases medical breakthroughs must learn to embrace humility and accept the past

Box Office Top 10

MOVIES | Top films for the weekend of May 10-12


MOVIE | Family film about imaginary friends pirouettes from playfulness to poignancy


Cussing up a storm

MUSIC | Beyoncé and Taylor Swift sprint toward the “edgy” cliff

New and noteworthy

Four new albums reviewed

Statements of faith

RELIGION | Evangelicals concerned with keeping the whole counsel of God are driving a renewal of interest in confessions

Bribery charges

POLITICS | Henry Cuellar becomes the second Democrat in Congress indicted for influence peddling

Transfusion solution?

SCIENCE | Research could solve blood incompatibility problems

Fries, drink, and inflation

MONEY | A minimum wage hike in California has resulted in super-sized prices for fast-food customers