Advancing our mission | WORLD
Sound journalism, grounded in facts and Biblical truth | Donate

Advancing our mission

CEO NOTES | If you believe in WORLD’s work, please consider continuing your support or making a first-time gift

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IN 2007, WORLD made a strategic business decision: No longer would we follow the economic model of most other print publications and build our business on advertising sales.

That meant not relying on businesses that had little interest in our mission to advance our mission. Instead, we would rely on WORLD readers passionate about our mission to be our primary source of help to pursue it.

So there were things we needed to do, and things we needed not to do. To do: Because WORLD was for-profit, we had to file all the paperwork and jump through the regulatory hoops to return to nonprofit status. Not to do: spend on dramatic, expensive circulation marketing efforts, and offer discounts and valuable premiums, to grow circulation to please advertisers. Instead, we appealed to you, our readers, to support WORLD’s mission with charitable contributions. That was a big adjustment, but you came through.

That’s actually an understatement. You didn’t just replace our declining ad revenue. You exceeded it. Vastly.

The resources you provided allowed us to expand beyond the pages of the magazine to deliver WORLD’s news and analysis in new and innovative ways. And you didn’t stop. Over the years, you kept providing, and we kept adding resources for you and your family and for WORLD’s growing family of readers—then listeners, then viewers. Now, with many magazines thinning or shuttering altogether, killed by the internet, your generosity is helping us continue to publish a robust publication.

Some of you take advantage of all our new resources, but many of you still think of this paper magazine as your primary source of all things WORLD. But that hasn’t meant a decline in giving to support WORLD’s growth into other media. To the contrary. Faithful readers and financial supporters understand that younger generations get their news from different sources, and so you keep supporting WORLD to expand our reach. I’m grateful that this expansion is not a means to an end but is the end itself—to deliver sound journalism grounded in facts and Biblical truth to as many as need it.

Since 2007, we have used the months of December and June, the calendar year-end and fiscal year-end, to remind you that we still need you. Economically speaking, producing sound journalism is more difficult than ever, and we are completely committed to that mission. If you believe in WORLD’s mission and you value our work, I ask humbly, would you continue your support this month? And if you’ve never given to WORLD, June is the perfect month to give a first-time gift, as every new-donor dollar will be matched. You can contribute securely at

Kevin Martin

Kevin Martin is the CEO of WORLD News Group.


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