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Letters from our readers

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The battle for America’s identity

I had no idea the subject of Christian nationalism could be so complicated. Your ­article laid out the issues clearly and comprehensively. I still want to see Christians influence the culture for Christ but realize we will always fall far short until He comes to reign on Earth.
     Jeff Danco / Bridgewater, N.J.

Peacetime America has ­rampant individualism. But under stressful circumstances, individualism and democracy give way to strong leadership, which is why I believe that recognition of Christ and the Bible should be affixed to our Constitution in some way.
     Tom Muldoon / Philadelphia, Pa.

C.S. Lewis opposed the idea of a Christian political party because of the necessity of alliances that would dilute or even subvert the message: “There is a third way—by becoming a majority. He who converts his neighbour has performed the most practical Christian-political act of all.”
      Steve Conway / Edwardsville, Ill.

I have a friend who loves to call me a “Christian nationalist” whenever I share WORLD Opinions columns on Facebook. He is a classic example of a secular leftist who wants to paint all Christians with a broad brush and attempt to stain us beyond recognition. But he forgets that the secular view is in and of itself a religion.
     Darla Dykstra / Kansas City, Mo.

Pressure campaigns

I am thankful that President Biden was not in office during WWII. He might have stopped at the Rhine River and negotiated. It is sad to say, but seeking more ways to obtain votes seems to determine how issues are handled in our country today.
     Marvin Wassink / Muskegon, Mich.

Overture to harmony

My husband and I got a big kick out of Kim Henderson’s article and were delighted to learn that the young ­composer is the son of WORLD’s Paul Butler. We pray that classical music will make a strong comeback with talented composers like Elliot Butler in the picture.
     Lynn Lilja / Lake Villa, Ill.

Best wishes to Elliot as he bucks the trend of dissonant, unpleasant music and pursues composing beautiful music. The Apostle Paul would agree (Philippians 4:8).
     Carol Blair / Gladewater, Texas

Inexpert witness

I am so grateful for Lynn Vincent’s gift of writing. I am also an “inexpert witness.” Family is hard, and I’ve messed up so many times. I’m sure her mom saw the light in her daughter, and I am praying for Lynn’s peace.
     Connie Johnson / Raleigh, N.C.

Ballad of beauty

I’ve often found a good “next read” from your Books section and was delighted to see that Leif Enger had a new book out. But why did your reviewer have to tell us that a character dies early on? It marred my enjoyment of the book. Please, no more spoilers!
     Patricia Butts / Garland, Texas

CEO Notes

I’m sure the new magazine format will have more pages, but what will I read until the next issue comes? I do not enjoy reading online. My wife is computer illiterate and refuses to learn, so it will be tougher on her.
     Richard L. Nuetzel / Lexington, Ohio

I’m looking forward to the new monthly magazine. I especially look forward to the expanded book review pages. When I worked at a rural public library, I often used your reviews to help me fill the Christian book niche there and at my library at home.
     Dan LaRue / Lebanon, Pa.

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