Timothy Lamer | WORLD
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Timothy Lamer

Timothy Lamer

Tim is executive editor of WORLD Commentary. He previously worked for the Media Research Center in Alexandria, Va. His work has also appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and The Weekly Standard.

Articles by Timothy Lamer
Old school battle

Old school battle

Timothy Lamer | Anti-AARP ad misses its mark but hits a liberal hornets' nest

Timothy Lamer |

Timothy Lamer | A large, looming shortfall faces the Social Security system, and members of Congress have several options for dealing with it: cut and paste, tax and spend, or borrow and invest.

Timothy Lamer |


Timothy Lamer | ECONOMY: A string of economic reports suggests a rebound reminiscent of the early 1980s may be underway

Those who think Kobe Bryant and the NBA are better off with a bad reputation aren't dealing with reality

By working on yet another federal entitlement-prescription drugs for Medicare recipients-Congress is poised to start the clock on another economic time bomb

Timothy Lamer | No athlete wants to be known as "all talk," and no one can hang that label on college football stars Wesley Britt and David Pollack.

Timothy Lamer | Syracuse's Jim Boeheim and Kansas' Roy Williams began this year's college basketball season sharing a dubious distinction: They were the most successful coaches in the game never to win a national title.