Timothy Lamer | WORLD
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Timothy Lamer

Timothy Lamer

Tim is editor-at-large for WORLD News Group. His work has also appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and The Weekly Standard.

Articles by Timothy Lamer

Gulf lore

Katrina opened the floodgates on arguments about the cause and effect of hurricanes

Gas prices rose as workers returned to the area's oil platforms and refineries to assess the damage of Hurricane Katrina

Every state celebrates Labor Day, but some states are better than others at actually promoting labor


While manufacturing employment has declined 20 percent in 15 years, manufacturing production has increased 61 percent during the same period

A substantial increase in legal online music sales proves moral standards can be restored

Increasing federal revenues are causing the deficit to fall, but it's hard to get excited when spending increases threaten to break the bank

For 19 straight weekends box-office receipts lagged behind the same weekends in 2004

The real record oil prices were set nearly 25 years ago, records that we have not even approached yet this year