Timothy Lamer | WORLD
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Timothy Lamer

Timothy Lamer

Tim is editor-at-large for WORLD News Group. His work has also appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and The Weekly Standard.

Articles by Timothy Lamer
Spendthrift nation

Spendthrift nation

The savings rate has been falling steadily in recent years, but until last year it had not gone negative for a full year since 1933

Good things happen when inflation is low, and Alan Greenspan's tenure as head of the Federal Reserve Board witnessed a strong run for the U.S.

The biblical reason to work hard is out of gratitude to God for the free gift of salvation and love of neighbor

Only a determined pessimist-or leader of the minority party in Congress-could fail to see the bright side of the U.S.


Timothy Lamer | Reform plan that didn't

Queen Elizabeth II received more than $1.7 million in farm subsidies from the European Union over the past two years

New York University economist Jason Furman says Wal-Mart is getting a bad rap from liberals and environmentalists

Adjustable rate mortgages are headed higher

Leave it to Time magazine to offer up a scoop and then miss the most important part of the story.

Many people do not know they could personally save $10 or more on each prescription co-payment if they bought generics