Nick Eicher | WORLD
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Nick Eicher

Nick Eicher

Nick is chief content officer of WORLD and co-host for WORLD Radio. He has served WORLD Magazine as a writer and reporter, managing editor, editor, and publisher. Nick resides with his family in St. Louis, Mo.

Articles by Nick Eicher

Kicker: What’s all the buzz?

A pest-control specialist removes a swarm of bees behind home plate before an Arizona Diamondbacks game

A town near Japan’s Mount Fuji installs screens to deter tourists from impeding traffic

The Supreme Court hears arguments about whether criminalizing homeless camping is cruel and unusual punishment

The Justice Department tries to rein in Apple, Amazon, and Google through the courts


Campus protests turn violent, the United Methodist Church changes its doctrine on homosexuality, and the reclassification of marijuana

A police officer discovers what happened to an abandoned baby he rescued more than two decades ago

The outcome of former President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court appeal sets precedent for future presidents

The Consumer Price Index is the slowest in almost two years while the Personal Consumption Expenditures remains above the Fed’s target

Definitions are changing in education, medicine, and sports

Corrections and commendations for April