Kicker: Signs of the times | WORLD
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Kicker: Signs of the times


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Signs of the times

A California artist celebrates those who lost presidential elections

Yard signs for Republican presidential candidate John McCain in Springfield, Va., Nov. 1, 2008 Associated Press/Photo by Stephan Savoia

NICK EICHER, HOST: You know, Frank Sinatra had a great song about second place … here’s to the losers, he sang / bless ’em all.

In Southern California an artist and an academic did old blue eyes one better, putting up a monument to the unelected. It’s a political display that celebrates presidential candidates who fell short.

The artist had special yard signs made up for more recent losers like John McCain, Al Gore, and Bob Dole.

John Spiak runs the art center at Cal State Fullerton. Audio from Spectrum News.

JOHN SPIAK: It’s a history lesson and always an interesting process in the United States.

The signs are pretty funny, too, especially the older ones, because, well, obviously Aaron Burr didn’t have yard signs—nor did Thomas Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt, or Herbert Hoover for that matter.

But they do plan to keep things current.

SPIAK: So we have a Harris and we have a Trump one and whichever individual loses we’ll place that sign on the lawn.

So the most expensive campaign in presidential history comes down to a competition over who can get off this guy’s lawn!

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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