Kicker: 911 raccoon call | WORLD
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Kicker: 911 raccoon call


WORLD Radio - Kicker: 911 raccoon call

When a nursery of raccoons becomes a legion, police step in

The group of raccoons on a woman's property in Poulsbo, Wash. Associated Press/ Kitsap County Sheriff's Office

NICK EICHER, HOST: A woman up in Washington State found herself facing a unique problem with a local gang, and it was bad enough to merit a call to 911.

She called the cops on the raccoons.

DEPUTY: 35 years ago you first started feeding raccoons. And then when all of a sudden did it explode like this?

LADY: 6 weeks ago.

Mmm-hmm, pardon my skepticism on the timeline. She’d been feeding them for decades but only in the last month and a half did they become a problem.

And they did become a problem. At least 100 of them had swarmed her home. Scratching at her door, at one point surrounding her car. Can you imagine? Demanding food.

A lady nearby has dogs who had a run-in with the nasty critters, and she seemed sympathetic to her neighbor.

NEIGHBOR: I do hope somebody steps in and helps her, you know, take care of this problem. And hopefully she quits doing it.

Quits feeding them, that is. The raccoon lady says she’s learned her lesson: stick to feeding the birds.

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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