Kicker: Eager beaver | WORLD
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Kicker: Eager beaver


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Eager beaver

The legal battle over a rescued beaver ends in the classroom

Nibi, a 1-year-old beaver, at the Newhouse Wildlife Rescue in Chelmsford, Mass. Associated Press/Photo by Jane Newhouse/Newhouse Wildlife Rescue

NICK EICHER, HOST: Lawyers lined up on either side of a legal battle concerning a beaver named Nibi.

You heard right. Nibi the baby beaver was rescued from a road in Massachusetts two years ago. She’s garnered thousands of fans online with her crazy antics.

But now that she’s grown, the wildlife division ordered that she be released into the wild.

Jane Newhouse is founder of the rescue group that’s cared for Nibi all this time:

NEWHOUSE: So it's very difficult for us to consider releasing her when she only seems to like people and seems to have no interest in being wild or bonding with any of her own species.

Well, Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey stepped in just prior to a scheduled court hearing over Nibi’s fate. She issued a permit to let Nibi remain with the rescue center and work as an “education beaver.” She’ll teach kids all about North America’s largest native rodents.

You know what they say, “those who can, chew. Those who can’t, teach.”

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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