Mark Bergin | WORLD
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Mark Bergin

Mark is a former WORLD reporter.

Articles by Mark Bergin
Weathered win

Weathered win

The only true victor of the tournament?

Mark Bergin | A lack of crops for subsistence and investment for the economy leaves Haitians brutally vulnerable to global food trends

The heat of the moment reveals true character

Mark Bergin | Philip Mangano isn't out to reduce homelessness, he's out to end it


Mark Bergin | The restoration of storm-ridden Stanley Park has united a city

Mark Bergin | Baylor promotes Christian scholarship while dismissing Christian scholars

Mark Bergin | Presidential candidates differ-but perhaps not enough-on foreclosure crisis policy

New study says HGH serves to enlarge muscular size but not strength

Mark Bergin |

Mark Bergin | Record colds from North America to Baghdad reveal a double standard in global-warming alarmism