Mark Bergin | WORLD
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Mark Bergin

Mark is a former WORLD reporter.

Articles by Mark Bergin
Rocky Mountain left

Rocky Mountain left

Mark Bergin | Democrats hope their success in Colorado points to national change and an Obama victory

Mark Bergin | The summer Olympics, set to open Aug. 8, are filled with inspirational athletes and great stories.

Mark Bergin | A year after comprehensive immigration reform failed, John McCain and Barack Obama are treating the issue with kid gloves

Aging legend Greg Norman, the Shark, reemerged from obscurity to compete once more


Mark Bergin | Multi-site churches are growing, spreading across cultures, and redefining the concept of gathered worship, for better and for worse.

Courtesy of Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal, the word is out: Tennis lives

Mark Bergin | Louisiana law protects teachers who bring scientific evidence against Darwinism into the classroom

Last month, the British Bible Society announced plans to distribute tens of thousands of English and Chinese Bibles to athletes in the Olympic village

Mark Bergin | High prices at the pump are changing the politics of domestic oil extraction and handing Republicans a potentially hot issue for the fall campaign