Mark Bergin | WORLD
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Mark Bergin

Mark is a former WORLD reporter.

Articles by Mark Bergin

Cool on warming

Mark Bergin | Economic hardship and falling oil prices are changing the greenscape

Mark Bergin | Zimbabweans are starving and inflation is out of sight, but Auntie Paula's motto is "I can't say no"

Mark Bergin | On Capitol Hill big gains for Democrats betray GOP shortcomings

Had Republicans followed the example of Colin Powell, the GOP could have attracted an additional million votes


Mark Bergin | Simplicity and functionality are making Twitter fly

Mark Bergin | Christian groups nationwide are finding alternatives to the tyranny of subprime

Neither presidential candidate likely will bring any change to the United States' climate policy

Felon voters threaten to undermine the highly anticipated gubernatorial rematch in Washington state

The three teams with the highest payrolls are watching at home

Mark Bergin | Word that incumbent Democrats aren't supposed to lose this year hasn't yet reached the Pacific Northwest