Mark Bergin | WORLD
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Mark Bergin

Mark is a former WORLD reporter.

Articles by Mark Bergin
Obama's hard sell

Obama's hard sell

The president-elect stresses that only government can give the economy the short-term boost it needs

Mark Bergin | Years of planting a new and false vision of the American Dream bore bitter fruit in 2008's harsh reckoning

Mark Bergin | Needs are up and giving is down for nonprofits, but all is not gloomy

Honesty evokes criticism and mockery on discussion boards and airwaves


Following an NPR interview, the controversial National Association of Evangelicals officer is forced to resign

New internal documents show that executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac understood the risky nature of their actions

A sagging global economy and a shift in public opinion make next year's international climate treaty less likely

Denmark's Peter Eastgate hardly looks the part of a card-playing superstar

Mark Bergin | As Obama takes office, economics historians warn against reliving past follies

Jamie Moyer's rise to stardom built a platform for Christian service