Leigh is features editor for WORLD. She is a World Journalism Institute graduate who spent six years as a newspaper reporter in Texas before joining WORLD News Group. Leigh also co-wrote Infinite Monster: Courage, Hope, and Resurrection in the Face of One of America's Largest Hurricanes. She resides with her husband and daughter in Houston, Texas.
Proposed policy changes would end government list of ‘discriminatory’ Christian colleges
Funds in 529 education plans reach all-time high
Despite the prevailing narrative of impoverished teachers, most make a pretty good living
Fight over state and local tax deductions squeezes student scholarship programs
Christian university lifts ban on same-sex romantic relationships in a bid to better disciple homosexual students
Fight over college regulations has big—and expensive—implications for taxpayers
Renewed attention to violence in public schools could boost efforts to give parents more say over their students’ education