Gene Edward Veith | WORLD
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Gene Edward Veith

Gene is a former WORLD culture editor.

Articles by Gene Edward Veith

Gospel Music Channel

A new 24-hour music channel debuted last fall and is now on cable TV in 60 markets

The dominant American religion is a far cry from Christianity

Gene Edward Veith | Is Baylor on a path to becoming a formerly Christian school?

History buffs will have some objections to Steven Spielberg's 12-hour epic of America's westward expansion


Europeans are talking up a book that says America is about to collapse

Gene Edward Veith | Sacrilege, satire, and fun mingle in the zany universe known as The Simpsons

Europe is convinced that America has gone over to the Dark Side

The latest PAX-TV series has excellent production values, and the storylines are varied, entertaining, and frequently inventive

Joan of Arcadia was one of several semi-family-friendly shows to be canceled

Conservatives with skeletons make easy targets for the left