Gene Edward Veith | WORLD
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Gene Edward Veith

Gene is a former WORLD culture editor.

Articles by Gene Edward Veith

The Island

Packing a powerful pro-life punch, this movie could change some minds about cloning

Bono gives an explicit confession of being saved by Grace, not Karma

The first TV drama based on a war still in progress follows the trend of recent war movies where patriotism is a joke, leaders are corrupt, and idealism is a foolish illusion


Is there a Christian case for promoting-or not opposing -same-sex marriage?

Many evangelicals are liberal when it comes to the church

Cable TV viewers who do not want a channel devoted to homosexuality in their home have a choice to make

Gene Edward Veith | An upcoming Narnia movie means rich new book releases

Your efforts to stamp out the church will only make it grow

ABC's five-part miniseries is a total rewrite of history