Gene Edward Veith | WORLD
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Gene Edward Veith

Gene is a former WORLD culture editor.

Articles by Gene Edward Veith

Why December 25?

The origin of Christmas had nothing to do with paganism

Why do so many Christian videos and books leave out Christ?

Despite bad language and serious horror, Goblet of Fire is in many ways the most positive of the series

The show's affable crew of experts and handymen takes urban legends-those "true stories" that circulate from person to person-and puts them to the test


Islam is not the only danger here

The new movie version is faithful to both the letter and the spirit of Jane Austen's masterpiece

Fans of Larry the Cucumber and Bob the Tomato will be relieved to know that VeggieTales are back

It's the only way to protect schoolchildren from Christian lit

This film drains the military life of any kind of honor, patriotism, faith, and virtue

New film tells the story of how Truman Capote wrote his book, In Cold Blood